⚠️ After March 18, 2024, the FastStore documentation will be migrated to the Developer Portal. For more information, access the official release note.

Checkbox Field

Checkbox Field wraps a Checkbox input and its corresponding Label. It allows users to select one option from a set.



Import the component from @faststore/ui

import { CheckboxField } from '@faststore/ui'

Import Styles into your FastStore project

To apply the styles of this component in your FastStore project, import the following into your stylesheet:

@import '@faststore/ui/src/components/atoms/Checkbox/styles.scss';
@import '@faststore/ui/src/components/molecules/CheckboxField/styles.scss';

Follow the instructions in the Importing FastStore UI component styles tutorial.


<CheckboxField label="Faststore" id="faststore" />


testIdstringID to find this component in testing tools (e.g.: cypress, testing library, and jest).fs-checkbox-field
id*stringID to identify input and corresponding label.
label*stringThe text displayed to identify the input checkbox.
valuestringThe value to identify the input checkbox.
namestringIdentify checkbox in the same group.

Design Tokens

Local tokenDefault value/Global token linked


For further customization, you can use the following data attributes:
